This printable bundle of 50th birthday games and activities includes answers and will be perfect to add extra fun and memories if you're planning a 50th bday party. This set also includes a back in 1975 newspaper poster with exciting historical facts and events happening in 1975, these make great decorations or gifts when framed, the poster and party signs are 16x20 and can be printed at that size or 8x10. There are 25 fun premium games included with needed answers the games print at 8.5x11 or 2 5x7s per page to save on ink.
The games included are:
Birthday Emoji Quiz
Ever Or Never
This Or That
Who Knows Best?
Older Or Younger?
Birthday Name Bingo
1975 Guess The Price
1975 Celebrity Birthdays
1975 Movie Emoji Game
Candy Dice
Musical Trivia
Whats On Your Phone
1975 Culture Trivia
Birthday Feud
Birthday Wishes
Jar Game
That Reminds Me
Birthday Charades 18 Cards
Drink If
Blind Draw
Spot The Difference
Word Search
Eye Spy
Plus 2 party signs and 1 newspaper poster sized at 16x20.
These items are copyrighted to ©EnjoyMyPrintables and are for personal use only they may not be redistributed in any way.